A photograph of a cat

A photograph of me

Who are you?

I’m Jakob, a 19-year-old jack-of-all-trades programmer from Sweden who loves building and breaking software and learning about interesting things. The only pseudonym I go by is “AsciiJakob”. I wrote my first line of code when I was 12, and I've been fascinated by computers for as long as I can remember - both by how they work and how they interact with the humans that use them.

Can I contact you?

You can do anything you set your mind to if you just believe in yourself and really commit to it! Contact information is found further down, in the footer.

What are your interests?

  • Software development (might be obvious)
  • Psychology & cognitive sciences, especially in relation to computers
  • UX design
  • Natural languages
  • Linux and FOSS

What is your favourite thing about programming?

Programming can be used as a tool to create really awesome stuff that genuinely helps people, but it’s also a fun process by itself: to solve problem after problem, using skills and knowledge you’ve collected from all kinds of contexts over years.

When programming, you require a willingness to learn and learn and learn, and to have patience with whatever it is you are dealing with. This can make it frustrating, but also really rewarding if you're able to stick with it.

As humans, we love gradually difficult tasks and getting into the flow of some stimulating activity, that is something that programming really appeals to. For example, you'll often find yourself breaking a large problem down into a set of easier smaller problems that have much more clear solutions.

What skills do you have?

Historically I have written a lot of code in Javascript. But I have also messed around quite a bit with Lua, GLSL, HLSL, AT&T ASM and C. Though it’s difficult to rank my proficiency in these; some I am rather comfortable with, others I don't use much at all.

I am also somewhat decent at Docker and Linux, though just to the extent of which I have been using them.

Do you have any projects?

Surprisingly few, actually. I’ve mostly been focusing on smaller projects,
personal tools and learning stuff. My skills are also very spread out as
I'm still trying to figure out what area of CS I enjoy the most.
Some of the stuff I have fiddled with is:

  • Scripting for various games
  • 🕷Full-stack web development🕸
  • Browser extensions
  • Web Application Security
  • A bit (if you pardon the pun) of x86-64 Assembly
  • And graphics programming in GLSL and HLSL


A simple web application that provides quick and easy access to a list of servers available for the Beamng.Drive multiplayer mod KissMP without the need to look through the in-game client.

Source code

NoDistractions is a bloat-free website blocking extension for firefox with a focus on ease of use and simplicity.

Source code

Find Acronyms Quickly (FAQ) is a simple firefox extension for quickly finding the meaning of an acronym using allacronyms.com

Source code